
Quick tip! Boolean in SQL

Are you looking for a boolean column in SQL? Or have a virtual table and need a toggle/checkbox in your app?If you have just a string/text field with True/False this wont work. You need to convert the column in SQL to BIT. Bit is an integer data type that can take a value of 0, 1, or NULL 1 for true, 0 for false. Then reload/refresh your table into your dataverse/virtual table and it can be selected with a checkbox!

Changing the button for “Fork” into “Bork!” for Github

This has to be the best thing to come out of 2023 (and yes, it’s only January so that’s saying something) My longest blog post and read to date, but I promise you it’s worth it! I was on the First Time Contributor training yesterday, one of the Sharing is Caring sessions led by David Warner and Hugo Bernier. (<3) M365 & Power Platform | Sharing Is Caring ( In this training they explain how Github works, and how to edit an existing item using the Branches, Forks, Committing changes and how a Pull Request works.

Adding a count to your Power Automate Flow (Integer/Increment variable)

Starting with an intro to variables, I want to explain how you can use a very simple counter to your Power Automate flow. Let’s say you have an Apply to each, like 5 entries, and after this you email your client with the combined data from those 5 entries. Add the following steps: On top of your flow, add an Initialize Variable Choose a name Select Type Integer Leave Initial value blank (or select a starting count) In your Apply to each, add an Increment Variable (Increment means to add/change the count) Increment the variable you’ve created on top with 1 in the value.

Combine data from multiple apply to each into a single output file (Variables and compose)

This was a tricky one to figure out, took me a few hours and failed attempts. I have log entries, and my flow is triggered to email them all that were submitted the day prior, at 8am. Getting the data into the email pulls it into an apply to each (which makes sense, but is not what I want) So, there is a way around the apply to each, but I’ll not get into that here.

How to get conditional images in your Canvas app

Ever had a scenario, where someone wanted to have images in their app, but also pull them from a source somewhere?Let’s say, you want to reflect their office image in your app. But you also want to possibility to overwrite/upload your own instead. You can do this by using an If statement and some variables, let’s look at the following scenario. You work for a company called Powerplatform with their email domain @Powerplatform.

Get output from Adaptive Card choice sets

Adaptive cards is the name for the pop-up you can get in Teams, with custom content asking you to confirm something, or to submit a remark. One way of creating them is through Adaptive card Designer (JSON). Another way is to use the new Cards (preview) method in PowerApps maker - find out how here: Microsoft Learn Page - If you want to use your adaptive card as for example an approval, or you want the color choice you need to get the data that the card receives.