How to embed a Power BI report into a Canvas app, and hide the nav & filter

2 quick tips

I dont know about you, but it took me a while to figure out why I couldnt add my report into a Power BI tile in a canvas app. I knew I did it before, but of course didnt blog about it, so I forgot (lol)

It’s actually really easy, and doesnt require you to reupload your pbix, add to tiles or others.

  • Go to your Power BI workspace that holds your report
  • Open the report
  • Go to export
  • Click on embed in website
  • Copy the URL
  • Go to your canvas app
  • Add in or use an exisiting Power BI Tile
  • In the TileURL, paste your embedded link between the ""
Copy the embedded url, not the one for iFrame

And there you go! No Power BI tile not seeing your dashboard, or needing to specify a tile.

The original report, without hiding the nav and filter

You may notice it grabs your navigation and filter. Here’s how to hide them:

  • Go back to your TileURL property
  • At the end of the url, add the following code:

The & sign specifies a new parameter, in this case we want to disable the navcontentpane, and the filterpane. We set both to false, and now they don’t appear anymore!

Same Tile, but now without the navs and filter.

I hope these quick tips help.