Best practises

Here are some best practises I found either online or discovered myself.

Use the Appropriate HTTP Method

Always choose the correct HTTP method for your operation. Use GET for retrieving data, POST for creating new resources, PUT for updating existing resources, and DELETE for removing resources. This helps maintain clarity and consistency in your code.

Set Proper Permissions

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions for the operations you intend to perform. This includes configuring the appropriate access levels for users and applications. Proper permissions help prevent unauthorized access and maintain data security.

Include Necessary Headers

HTTP headers play a crucial role in SharePoint calls. Always include essential headers such as Authorization, Accept, and Content-Type. These headers help authenticate requests, specify the expected response format, and indicate the type of data being sent.

Structure the Request Body Correctly

When making POST or PUT requests, ensure that the request body is properly structured. Use JSON format for data payloads and include all required fields. This helps SharePoint process your requests accurately and efficiently.

Handle Errors Gracefully

Implement error handling in your code to manage potential issues such as network failures, authentication errors, or invalid requests. Use appropriate status codes and messages to inform users about the nature of the error and possible solutions.

Optimize for Performance

Minimize the number of HTTP calls by batching requests when possible. Use pagination for large data sets and cache frequently accessed data to reduce server load and improve response times.

Secure Your Requests

Protect sensitive data by using HTTPS for all HTTP SharePoint calls. Encrypt data in transit and validate input to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Avoid Deleting Columns with Parse JSON

When working with Parse JSON, try to avoid deleting columns. Instead, adjust your schema to include only the necessary fields. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents potential issues.

Use Variables in HTTP Calls

Utilize variables for site names, list names, and other parameters in your HTTP calls. This makes your code more flexible and easier to maintain.

Group HTTP Calls in a GET Scope

Try to group your HTTP calls within a GET scope and leverage the values in your Try block, preferably using variables. For more information on Get/Try/Catch, search for Power Automate error handling.

Reuse HTTP Calls

Minimize the number of HTTP calls by reusing them where possible. This reduces the load on SharePoint servers and improves the efficiency of your application.

Handle Large Datasets with Pagination

Use pagination to handle large datasets and avoid overloading API responses. This improves responsiveness and reduces the load on SharePoint servers.