
Fetching Terms from a Specific Term Set in a Term Store


You want to retrieve all terms from a specific term set within a term store in SharePoint. The term store and term set are identified by their unique GUIDs.


Identify the Term Store and Term Set GUIDs

You have a SharePoint site with a managed metadata service, and you need to fetch all terms from a specific term set. The term store GUID is TERMSTOREGUID and the term set GUID is GROUPGUID.

Construct the HTTP Request

Use the SharePoint REST API to get the terms by specifying the term store and term set GUIDs in the URL.

Execute the HTTP Request

Make an HTTP GET request to the SharePoint REST API endpoint with the appropriate query parameters.

If choice field is a content type, grab the content types first through this query

Method: Get Uri: _api/v2.1/termStore/groups/TERMSTOREGUID/sets/GROUPGUID/terms

Do a filter array on:

string(item()?['labels']) contains 'name choice field value'